
Showing posts from April, 2013

Connecting an ISP Programmer to an ATMega8

Several people asked me how you connect an ISP programmer to an ATMega8. It never occured to me that this could be a problem for anyone. But anyway, here is a schematic. Over time, I will write a tutorial on how to program AVR controllers. Please note that the header shows Atmel's standard pinout for the 10-pin ISP header. Most programmers use that same pinout. But to be safe you should check

A Beginner's Guide to Driving LEDs - Part 4

The transistor as current sourceIn part 3 of this tutorial we looked briefly at several current sources, which contain integrated circuits. In this part, we will look in more detail at a simple current source built from a transistor, a zener diode and two resistors. The basic principle for this circuit is to start with a fixed reference voltage. This voltage is then translated to a fixed